It's been a while since my last post and a lot has been going on-spring has come,we had a blizzard (for Alabama anyway), the time has changed, I got a year older and spring break is here. Of all the things that I have mentioned, the blizzard is my favorite. We had a snowball fight, built a snowman and made beautiful snow angels. I have to say, the Windham's were made for snow. Everyone had a GREAT time,it was one of those times where for the entire day all four of us were just in the moment. We laughed and just enjoyed each other. I think my least favorite thing has been the time change. I HATE getting up when it is dark. It always make me think it's earlier than it is,so I end up getting up late and rushing around and there is nothing worse than getting up late and struggling to get to work on time. I think it's because I am one of those gals who will rush to get out the door not realizing that my skirt is tucked in the back of my pantyhose. The only part of the time change that I like is it stays daylight longer. Everyone acts better and sleeps better when we get to go outside when we get home in the evenings.
Okay, so Saturday was my birthday and I don't mind saying that I turned 31 (see honey it's not hard to admit that you are over 30) years old. My sweet honey let me sleep in and then brought me donuts and diet coke in bed. He then, being the precious husband he is, told Matthew and Gracie that is was Mommas birthday so from that moment on every time I walked in a room, they sang Happy Birthday. How many times do you have to hear two sweet voices singing Happy Birthday before you start praying for a temporary hearing loss? Well, of the 37 times they sang it, about 3 times was my limit-they scared me so bad in the shower when they started singing I almost broke my neck. I was rinsing my hair when they busted out in VERY loud song. So, we all got dressed up and went to the new Japanese restaurant that just opened in Alabaster. I just knew the kids would love watching the chef cook on the grill. Matthew really didn't care that much for it and we knew this because when the chef went to put the rice and veggies on his plate he said "that is disgusting and I hate it." He did not eat a bite. Now Gracie on the other hand,loved every bit of it. She laughed thru it all, ate everything on her plate (unusual for her) and left having found one of the coolest places ever. You know, she is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She has one of the kindest hearts and one of the sassiest attitudes-more on that later.
To my Sweet Honey-Thanks for making my birthday great. "...I'm so in love with you honey...">